
Consulting and Business Analysis Services

We have been implementing projects of business process development, systematization and automation and business metrics collection since 2015. We speak the same language as the companies and provide effective solutions to achieve the business goals.

Benefits of Implementing Business Process Management (BPM)

Successful business process management enables you to realize your company’s potential and reap the full benefits of your investments.


Systematizing business processes allows for a better understanding of who performs what tasks, scheduling, performance evaluation, and process adjustments.

Cost savings

Optimizing and automating workflows significantly reduce the required time, leading to cost savings.

Quality improvement

Optimizing and automating business processes allows for the identification and elimination of errors, resulting in an overall improvement in the quality of work performed.

Business Process Management Services from Amalister

The company Amalister offers consulting and business analysis services for development, systematization, and workflow automation.

We model business processes and implement a transparent, controllable, and scalable work system in departments within companies.

Business Process Design and Optimization

First, we thoroughly analyze the current situation in your company to identify weaknesses and optimization opportunities. Together with you, we develop a development plan based on which we set priorities and create a roadmap for process optimization.

Our Approach with Your Company:

– Collaboration with the owners (top managers) in setting the goals and development plan for the company.

– Collaboration with the owners in the field of management consulting and the establishment of company processes according to the development plan.

- Collaboration with the owners in the selection of key personnel according to the development plan.

– Collaboration with the owners (top managers) and the owner’s team in planning and achieving the company’s objectives.

– Collaboration with the owners (top managers) and the owner’s team in implementing changes within the company.

Business Process Systematization and Automation

We help to comprehensively document and describe processes. This enables the team to monitor and adapt them independently and ensure the sustainability of our solutions.

In addition, we integrate efficient planning, management, and control tools into the business processes.

Tools We Work With

Business organization
CRM system
Project and task management
Inventory and order management system
IP telephony
Corporate web wiki
Mind mapping
Team management
Business organization
Business organization

How We Work


We conduct in-depth interviews with the owner or top managers of the company.


At the beginning of the project, it is important for us to understand the tasks that your company is facing so that we can create a project roadmap for you and select the necessary tools to achieve the project’s goals.


During the interview itself, we will assist you in selecting the key tasks for the project’s start, provide information on their level of difficulty, duration, and estimated costs.

Our Customers

Goal: Reduce the working time for those responsible for implementing work processes for products, display all active processes for working with each product for those responsible.

Implemented: Ysell is integrated with the CRM system and task planner, active processes from the task planner are transferred to the product card.


Goal: Establishment of transparent workflows in departments, optimization of costs for recruiting and training new employees, resolution of management tasks.

Implemented: Establishment of a corporate structure, implementation of time management, introduction of a reporting system, implementation of a review system, creation and implementation of a company knowledge database, and more.


Goal: Systematization and automation of product cataloging processes, reduction of working time when dealing with products.

Implemented: Developed and automated a cataloging process on a Kanban board, implemented time management, created a reporting system to monitor time investments.


Goal: Systematization of customer support and the collection of customer statistics.

Implemented: Customer inquiries from various channels were integrated into the CRM system, customer support was systematized and automated on a Kanban board.


Goal: Introduction and automation of a system for working with customers and suppliers, automation of document and report preparation.

Implemented: Introduction of a CRM system with a special architecture for working with suppliers and customers, automation of report generation and distribution to customers, automation of document preparation.


Goal: Introduction and automation of a system for working with customers, implementation of customer payment billing and control, automation of customer inquiry capture into the CRM system.

Implemented: Introduction of a CRM system, development of a payment plan based on the existing CRM system, automation of the payment plan control process, integration of all customer communication channels into the CRM system.


Are You Interested in Optimizing Your Business Processes?

Speak with our expert to discover how we can assist your company. Request a free, no-obligation consultation.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Business Process Management (BPM) is a discipline within process management that aims to optimize and automate the processes within an organization. It encompasses the analysis, modeling, design, automation, and continuous improvement of business processes.

    By applying BPM, companies can enhance their efficiency, reduce costs, improve service quality, and become more adaptable to changes in the business environment. BPM also contributes to improved collaboration and communication among departments and employees by providing a common platform for process management.
    Implementing BPM is recommended when a company is experiencing issues with the efficiency of its business processes, such as long processing times, high costs, or low product or service quality.

    It is also useful during organizational changes such as business expansions, the introduction of new systems, or the pursuit of an improved customer experience. Implementing BPM allows for optimization and workflow automation, enhances work coordination, and increases overall company efficiency. 2022 © All rights reserved